Resultados: 3

Nonverbal Communication through Touch: Meanings for Physical Therapists Working in a Hospital Environment

Aquichan; 19 (4), 2019
ABSTRACT Objectives: To know the most used types of touch and understand their meanings for physical therapists working in a hospital environment, from the perspective of their feelings, attitudes and behaviors during care. Materials and methods: Qualitative case study conducted by physical therapist...

Percepção sensorial tátil alterada em pessoas com diabetes mellitus: testando a concordância interavaliadores

REME rev. min. enferm; 23 (), 2019
Introdução: a percepção sensorial tátil alterada é uma complicação do diabetes mellitus que antecede a neuropatia e que pode ser identificada pelo enfermeiro. Deve envolver exame neurológico dos pés, avaliação da sensibilidade (tátil, dolorosatérmica e vibratória) e de reflexos tendíneos....

Risk prediction and impaired tactile sensory perception among cancer patients during chemotherapy

ABSTRACT Objectives: to estimate the prevalence of impaired tactile sensory perception, identify risk factors, and establish a risk prediction model among adult patients receiving antineoplastic chemotherapy. Method: historical cohort study based on information obtained from the medical files of 127 pa...